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Welcome to Aeone’s “Love Is The Healer” page!
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Love is the Healer – Music for the Heart
Two years in the making, Aeone delivers a powerful yet, inspiring body of work in her 6th studio album – Love Is The Healer. Jeff Silverman and Aeone produced and arranged the album. Jeff also mixed, mastered and engineered the project and co-wrote on a number of tracks from Palette Music Studio Productions (MSP) while connecting with Aeone via Palette’s Virtual Studio Networks (VSN) in Nashville, TN. Aeone recorded from The Chateau, her studio in Los Angeles, CA.
This beautifully crafted 10 -song album brings Aeone’s signature ethereal voice and sound with a touch of the ancient Celt together, in a cinematic blend of otherworldly pop and organic rhythms. Hypnotic and uplifting, the 10 songs follow a path of grace and beauty deep into the heart of love, as Aeone weaves her story in a tapestry of voice and sound from the romantic poetry of love to the dark ancient longings of the soul. Taking us from multi layered vocals, ambient grooves, in soundscapes with ethnic instruments down to the single purity of her clear and haunting voice – an emotional and ambitious body of work – well worth the wait and well worth listening to.
Aeone was honored to have Ricky Kej, Best New Age, Grammy award winner, co-write Boat of Angels with her. It was produced by Aeone and Jeff Silverman and arranged by Aeone, Ricky and Jeff Silverman with Varsha Kej playing the sitar.
Run Home – The hypnotic and rhythmic opening song, has a feeling of momentum created by Jeff Silverman’s ‘slap guitar’. The song is about the calling to return home and looking back down the years with an open heart to reclaim that which has been lost or forsaken.
Love is The Healer – The uplifting title song with its ethereal pop production – speaks to love as our birthright, the true undercurrent of life. The longing for love and yet when it is found, the tremendous strength and courage that is needed to open up and be present to it.
Scarborough Fair (Remix) – To me this is a reflection on what one seeks from love. There’s a dream-like quality to the words, a wish that is sent out of how “she” wishes to be loved. It also speaks to those who were not capable of it and gave up on her. Musically reflected in the answering vocals and whispers and the otherworldly soundscapes around them – there is also a sensuous quality in the rhythmic groove and bass.
Boat of Angels – Is about the transcendent moment between two people that connects the human experience of the heart with something more holy. The song is a subtle melding of Indian and Celtic elements that starts in the ethereal and builds to a powerful uplifting end.
Where Lilies White Grow (Acapella) – “I’ve always had a great affinity for 18th century English romantic poetry. This is written from that place, an ode to the newly arrived beloved, the romantic grace of love’s early hours. The song becomes even more of an intimate message when sung acapella.
Who Wears the Crown – Written as a faerie story, it speaks to letting our true light shine. Showing our true face and standing in our fullest glory to claim the crown that is truly ours in every aspect of life. The mystical feel at the beginning of the song leads into a dance-feel on the chorus and a melding of ancient and modern worlds. Dulcimer and bagpipes are heard alongside the dance grooves and arpeggiators creating an uplifting call to life.
Across The Fields – Is about the sensuality of nature, our connection to it. The rhythm of the earth as it calls to lovers in a primal language – carries them away in each blessed moment in the last golden light of the day. This feeling is echoed in the music with primal drumming, layered sounds and repetitive piano theme. The bass and groove are sensual and act as the reminder of that feeling within us. The vocals, especially on the choruses are a wistful part of this memory.
Light the Sky – When looking up at the stars, I saw them as a symbol of the kindly light of hope that has guided me onwards and felt this upsurge within. The music reflects this feeling with a repetitive vocal figure and ethereal voices rising and answering – atmospheric pads and bell-like parts that build to uplifting, dramatic moment with percussive groove and drums – then down to the single pure acapella vocals.
She Walks With Me (Remastered) – Reaching back into the ancient part of the female self – into that place of ritual that comes to light when the moon is full and there is a sense of enchantment. To not forget the connection to this deep magical self – a place inside where love exists in its most ancient form. Vocal counterparts soar above atmospheric pads against earthly mandolin and dulcimer and deep rhythmic groove, creating juxtaposition between the worlds.
Kyrie – Everything in life begins and ends with a prayer of thankfulness.
Love is the Healer – Album credits
Produced and arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman at Palette Music Studio Productions (MSP) and Virtual Studio Networks (VSN) – Nashville, TN
Recording of Aeone’s vocals and music at Angleterre Music Studios – Los Angeles, CA by Aeone..
Run Home
Written by Aeone (words and music) and Jeff Silverman (music)
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Piano, Synths, sound design and drum programming – Aeone
Acoustic Guitar Slap, guitar, synth bass, vocoder arrangement, drum programming and additional sound design – Jeff Silverman
Love is the Healer
Written by Aeone
Angleterre Music, BMI
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Piano, synths and sound design – Aeone
Electric and synth bass and drum programming – Jeff Silverman
Scarborough Fair (Remix)
Produced and Arranged by Aeone and Jeff Silverman
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Synths, sound design, drum programming – Aeone
Synth bass, drum programming – Jeff Silverman
Boat Of Angels
Written by Aeone (words and music) and Ricky Kej (music)
Angleterre Music, BMI – Raveolution Studios, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Produced by Aeone and Jeff Silverman
Arranged by Aeone. Ricky Kej and Jeff Silverman
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Synths, piano, dulcimer, sound design, drum programming – Aeone
Keyboards, piano, sitar, synths, synth bass, sound design and drum programming – Ricky Kej
Sitar – Varsha Kej
Electric bass, sound design, drum programming – Jeff Silverman
Where Lilies White Grow (Acapella)
Written by Aeone (words and music)
Additional music – Jeff Silverman
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Vocoder arrangement – Jeff Silverman
Who Wears the Crown
Written by Aeone
Angleterre Music, BMI
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Piano, synths, sound design, bass and drum programming – Aeone
Synth bass, drum programming – Jeff Silverman
Across the Fields
Written by Aeone
Angleterre Music, BMI
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Piano, synths, sound design, bass and drum programming – Aeone
Electric and synth bass, drum programming – Jeff Silverman
Light The Sky
Written by Aeone and Jeff Silverman
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Synth bass, synths and sound design – Aeone
Synth bass, synths, sound design, drum programming – Jeff Silverman
She Walks With Me
Written by Aeone (words and music) and Jeff Silverman (music)
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Music, BMI
Produced and Arranged by Jeff Silverman and Aeone
Mixed, Mastered, Engineered and Digital Editing by Jeff Silverman
Vocals performed, arranged, produced and engineered by Aeone
Synths, dulcimer, sound design and drum programming – Aeone
Mandolin, synth bass, synths, sound design and drum programming – Jeff Silverman
Written, arranged and produced by Aeone
Angleterre Music, BMI
Mixed and Mastered by: Jeff Silverman
Palette Records Website & Graphic Design, CD Cover Design: Debra Silverman, DLS Graphics
Photography: Front Cover by Spike Geilinger
Video Stills: Chris Dane Owens
Hair and Make-up: Barbara Lamelza and Rae Padgett
For those of us who walk this path of life with an open and fearless heart.
“Be not in yourself afraid – Love is the healer of the brave”…
Special thanks to: Jasmine Kostraba, Johnathan Gale, Jill Freeman, Norma Margot, Ricky Kej, Barbara Lamelza, Paige Padgett, Xue Ran Chen, Tom O’Keefe, Matt Berlowe
My endless thanks to:
Bebe and Nicky, Gracie and Neil – I thank you for your endless love and belief
Jeff Silverman for this incredible co-creative experience. It has been a journey of wonder and inspiration that I will always remember and for which I will always be grateful.
… and to Debra Lyn and Jeff Silverman for inviting me to be a part of Palette Records and their artistic vision.
Debra Lyn – thank you for your enduring support, input and the amazing web design, cd and graphics
Chris Dane Owens for your gift of the beautiful video and for bringing your light, your endless talent, creativity and vision to each and every moment of it.
Jennifer Barlow – ‘Faerie cuz’ for your huge talent and graceful energy.
Spike Geilinger – for your inspired film work and for bringing your amazing creativity to the project.
Scott Williams – for your love and inspiration
Love Is The Healer was created by Aeone and longtime collaborator, veteran producer and songwriter Jeff Silverman, 2000 miles apart in Los Angeles, CA and Nashville, TN. During the entire creative process, including recording, mixing and mastering, Jeff and I used Palette’s VSN virtual studio set up (Virtual Studio Networks) to communicate. Files were sent back and forth via the internet until the mix/ mastering stage. This process was a continual “passing of the torch.” For the creative process, files were constantly being traded off to each other as we were working on the arrangements. When it came to the mix, Jeff would take the torch and paint his picture. Then send it off to me to listen and comment. Then we both would hook up via VSN, streaming audio directly out of Jeff’s Pro Tools session, screen sharing and talking on the phone while making our final mix /mastering tweaks.
In addition, files were transferred to India and back while collaborating with Ricky Kej, 2015 Grammy Award winner for Best New Age Album.
Jeff and I have worked on many projects but, hadn’t worked on an album of songs for a number of years, so it was both an inspiring and highly creative experience to work with him again and take my sound and music to a new place.
Jeff and I have worked on many projects but, hadn’t worked on an album of songs for a number of years, so it was both an inspiring and highly creative experience to work with him again and take my sound and music to a new place.
I am so proud of the work we have done together, each song feels seamless – where one person’s ideas end and the other’s begin. It was not only a great collaboration, but also a tribute to Jeff and his unique ability to tune into where I wanted to go as an artist and expand on that, rather than change it for the sake of making his mark. That being said, his imprint and input are absolutely apparent throughout the album.
Musically, whilst wanting to stay true to the ‘Aeone’ sound, we also wanted to take it to a different, more accessible place, yet still in keeping with the beautiful ethereal vocals, soundscapes and cinematic, mystical feel. So there is a strong percussive and rhythmic element to many of the songs, which along with sensuous bass, create a rhythmic and hypnotic bottom end to the mystical etherea. As always, I wanted the sound to reflect the story within each lyric, for a complete and transporting experience.
A great example of this was in the co-written opening track ‘Run Home’ – musically this was based on a rhythmic musical drone throughout the song and some layered vocalized vocals that already existed, which I used as a background for the new song, with atmospheric soundscape, piano and loops. Jeff took this all to an incredible place by re-editing all the sections of the song and then following his inspiration to play a ‘slap guitar’ part he kept hearing, along with acoustic guitar. He created and played an amazing part with this “slap guitar” which is the main driving force of the track and gives this feeling of forward movement – it is like the answering musical voice of the song. Jeff’s bass and work with the percussion and drums add further to the feeling of rhythmic movement and is cinematic and hypnotic.
Another beautiful collaboration was ‘Where Lilies White Grow’ – which was the last track we did for the album. The vocoder has been a theme in much of our past work and we used it on a number of songs on this album as well. Jeff’s idea was to have an acapella piece for the album and specifically use a vocoder and the voice and nothing else. Initially, it was going to be simple vocalized piece. We had considered ‘Lilies’ earlier in the album process but, we felt it was perhaps for a later project. Then ‘Lilies’ came to mind again for the acapella. I gave the vocal stems to Jeff along with just the synth and piano midi parts and my “aah” samples of my voice. Many, many hours in the studio later, Jeff had come up with some amazing chords by adding to or using what was there in different unique ways to trigger the vocoder, so blending the lead vocal and the harmonies with it and created a beautifully intimate and compelling acapella version of the song, which in many ways is the central piece of the album.
“Who Wears the Crown” – was a song I had worked on for a long time but, couldn’t quite meld. The idea was to do a mystical Celtic song that built into a dance track which was uplifting and euphoric – I was using 4-to-floor beats and arpeggiators, along with the bagpipes, dulcimer and all the other atmospheric sounds to create an otherworldly feel – so a blending of these two worlds. Jeff loved the idea and got what I was going for. Working with the arpeggiated parts and further into the groove, drums and loops, he solidified the dance beat on the choruses and throughout the rest of the song created moments of drama and release. Several bass lines added to the bottom end and groove.

(14 September 2015) The stunning new release from Aeone (www.aeone.com) is a varied ten-track collection entitled Love is the Healer (Palette Records (USA), 2015) co-produced by long-term collaborator Jeff Silverman (www.palettemusic.net), who also co-wrote a number of songs and engineered, mixed and mastered the album. It follows two digital-only compilations entitled Many Voices (2012) and Atmospheric (2009) and is the sixth full length album by the artiste. Further background on Aeone can be found in Musical Discoveries features linked in the left-hand column.
Aeone’s new album includes eight all new tracks, a stunning remix of “Scarborough Fair” from Many Voices and a remaster of “She Walks With Me” from the artiste’s 2001 album Point Of Faith. Like all Aeone albums, this one includes at least one traditional number. This collaboration was truly a trans-continental production, with Aeone based in Los Angeles, CA and Jeff Silverman in Nashville, TN working virtually via Palette’s Virtual Studio Nashville (virtualstudionashville.com set-up. In addition, files were transferred to India and back while collaborating with Ricky Kej, 2015 Grammy Award winner for Best New Age Album on the song “Boat of Angels.”
Says Aeone, “Jeff and I have worked together on many projects but, [we] hadn’t worked on an album of songs for a number of years, so it was both an inspiring and highly creative experience to work with him again and take my sound and music to a new place. His imprint and input are absolutely apparent throughout the album.”
Love Is The Healer is the latest culmination of the Aeone’s artistic development and takes her music to an even higher plateau. The song and vocal work are extremely well-produced, feature both solo and layered stylings, and span Celtic-edged, new age and more accessible pop-oriented sounds with powerful percussion and rich bass. It is impressive body of work, each track superb in its own unique right.
Listeners will be drawn into Aeone’s new album immediately with the density of the arrangement’s rhythm section that has Jeff Silverman’s ‘slap guitar’ as the central driving force. The vibe is perfectly set up in “Run Home” which incorporates atmospheric pads, piano and multi-layered vocals, together with a single pure lead voice. “Love Is The Healer” is the most natural evolution of the artiste’s full length recording. Her vocals soar above the light arrangements in this gentle ballad whose rich chorus sheds a light on production that develops further through the album.
Aeone told us, “Musically, whilst wanting to stay true to the Aeone sound, we also wanted to take it to a different, more accessible place, yet still in keeping with the beautiful ethereal vocals, soundscapes and cinematic, mystical feel. So there is a strong percussive and rhythmic element to many of the songs, which along with sensuous bass, create a rhythmic and hypnotic bottom end to the mystical etherea. As always, I wanted the sound to reflect the story within each lyric, for a complete and transporting experience.”
“Boat of Angels” is an especially dense and worldly number whose harmonies explore some of the highest vocals on the album. The anthemic closing chorus is especially resounding. “Where The Lillies Grow” is a gorgeously arranged a cappella track. The album’s most pop-oriented track is the rhythmic “Who Wears The Crown.” Clearly Aeone and Jeff Silverman achieved the desired effect with the dance beats that appear on the album.
“Across The Field” is a stunning example of the album’s gentle new age ballads. Layers of vocals are perfectly woven with a wide range of instrumentals into a tight and lush musical arrangement. “Light The Sky” progresses Aeone’s vocals to yet another density level, joining them to almost magical orchestral and soothing arrangements.
Listeners should pay close attention to the remixed edition of “Scarborough Fair” and remastered version of “She Walks With Me” that have both been rhythmically enhanced to suit the vibe of this new album. The hypnotic yet brief “Kyrie” concludes the album.
The 24-bit digital version of this album reviewed here was played through the Marantz UD-7007, Sennheiser HDVD-800, plusSound Echo+, Audeze LCD-3 play string in our listening studio. Digital versions of the album are available from manyl popular outlets globally. Love is the Healer is a wonderful album and we are most anxious for a physical because the album’s beautiful artwork is almost wasted in the digital rendition. Aeone informs us that one may be released eventually. Be sure to check out the beautiful and extremely well-produced video produced in conjunction with the album’s release.
Love is the Healer received a 5 star rating!
Click to go to MusicalDiscoveries.com review page.
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The Sounding Board by R J Lannan
I Rise, I Heal
I first heard the remarkable voice of Aeone on a soundtrack a few years ago. The music and vocals were enough to spur me into finding more of her music and I have never been disappointed. She gifts us today with the extraordinary album titled Love Is the Healer. It has been a while since I have heard an album that has touched so deeply. Her voice is nothing short of angelic and her compositions rapturous. Together with her co-producer and collaborator, Jeff Silverman, she has created an album of Celtic/ World Fusion/New Age music that is…sublime. Every song is like a prayer, an entreaty to the Gods that they help in healing physical wounds and the mend the spiritual breaks.
Run Home is a strong ballad about returning to where your life started. It may be a journey across miles of rocky landscape, glimmering ocean weaves or even glistening stars. We yearn to be safe, and to be remembered. Slap guitar, layers and layers of evocative vocals, and a bold melody set this in motion to this amazing journey.
The title tune, Love is the Healer contains some superb harmonies. Beautiful voice-overs, a memorable melody and a bass driven theme combine to form a song that is softer than a prayer, louder than thunder and more reverent than a sacrifice. The lyric was amazing and once heard, unforgettable. We all want the same things in life, peace, health, security. Here is the invocation.
“Ordinary people in extraordinary times,
Follow without symmetry,
And call across the great divide.”
I have heard many wonderful versions of the old English tune Scarborough Fair, (Simon & Garfunkel, Heidi Breyer, Sarah Brightman), but never as a dark exploit. Nothing evil here, but the sound is deliberate, haunting and memorable. The lady may not be as pure as we think. It makes me wonder if the tasks are indeed, possible. Although the song dates back to 1650, the percussion and tempo are purely contemporary.
Salty, sun spangled waves, skies bluer than heaven and angels that lift you in so many ways is the next theme. Boat of Angels is my favorite song on the album, although it is difficult to choose one song over another. Never has there been a more balanced collaboration between east and west. With the musical talents of Grammy Award Winner Ricky Kej seamlessly blending with Aeone’s, the tune becomes a mode of transportation known only to the soul. Aeone’s lyrics rise like gossamer to the firmament.
“Oh I’m sailing
Feel my heart waking.
Oh love take me,
In Your boat of Angels.”
Light the Sky is a simple intonation to celebrate life. No real words in this one, but the vocalize is sweet and poignant. I choose to mention it because of its complexity in where the harmonies blend like echoes in a canyon. They reverberate over and over themselves making them into layers of spirited bliss. If this be magik, I fancy more.
The poetry of She Walks With Me (Remastered) is inspired, the music breathtaking. The song is taken from her previous release, Point of Faith, and it is a story song. Lovers, meeting under the silvery moon, satisfy their desires, but is she real or a dream? Is she some manifestation of Aine, Goddess of love or merely his desire? Rich harmonies and lush music blend in this enthralling Celtic tale.
The tenth and final song on Love is the Healer is the prayer Kyrie. Taken from the Latin liturgy it is the ultimate plea for spiritual forgiveness. The word is repeated many times in different harmonies and with varied emphasis, but the message is clearly the same, “Lord have mercy.”
The album is about things that grow, thrive and exist and all for the sake of life and what happens when something goes wrong. Aeone has, using many methods and many voices, spoken for those with no voice to call upon the God they love and ask for help in healing broken bodies and shattered spirits. It is something that is often needed in this life when we get to a point where we feel our bodies have betrayed us and our faith has been thoroughly shaken. This is inspirational music on levels unseen, but known to exist in our very souls.
Rating: Excellent
– reviewed by RJ Lannan on 9/11/2015
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Run Home
Written by Aeone (words and music) and Jeff Silverman (music)
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Oh run home – I run home
Carry on – oh bring me home
I see you in the distance
We’re standing far apart
Feeling reminiscence
Breaking down my heart
Oh run home – I run home
Carry on – oh bring me home
Feel me in the moment
I’m laying down my fears
Crossing over oceans
If it takes a thousand years
Oh run home – I run home
Carry on – oh bring me home
Everything in motion
I can hardly breathe
I am wide and open
Ready to receive
Oh run home – oh run home
Carry on – oh bring me home
Love Is The Healer
Angleterre Music, BMI
We are born to love each other
But we are sensitive – hard to understand
We are afraid
And from these fragile broken places
We shield the self from every reaching hand …
Ordinary people in extraordinary times
Follow without symmetry
And call across the great divide …
Into each life a mystery calls
Be not in yourself afraid
To each and everyone the chance to fall …
Don’t give up along the way
Be strong and wise – look for the prize
Love is the healer of the brave …
We are born to feel the wonder
But just a shadow of a thought ends a dream
We turn away
For all these miracles of loving
Reveal our humanness and vulnerability …
Ordinary people with extraordinary souls …
We need to find our hallowed step
And walk into the great unknown …
Into each life a mystery calls
Be not in yourself afraid
To each and everyone the chance to fall …
Don’t give up along the way
Be strong and wise – look for the prize
Love is the healer of the brave …
Wherever you are going
In shadows or in light
In the days that follow on
There will be the knowing
That goes with you …
Into each life a mystery calls
Be not in yourself afraid
To each and everyone the chance to fall …
Don’t give up along the way
All the strong and wise look for the prize
Love is the healer of the brave …
Scarborough Fair (Remix)
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine
Tell him to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seams, nor fine needlework
And then he’ll be a true love of mine
Have him wash it in yonder dry well
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Where ne’er a drop of water e’er fell
And then he’ll be a true love of mine …
Tell him to buy me an acre of land
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between the salt water and the sea strand
And then he’ll be a true love of mine …
Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
And then he’ll be a true love of mine
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine
Boat of Angels
Angleterre Music, BMI – Raveolution Studios, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Carry me
Across your shining sea
Take the breathe from me
Oh I’m sailing
Feel my heart waking
Oh love take me
In your boat of angels
I feel your song here
Touch the ocean floor
Until the waves come
And lay me at your shore
Oh I’m sailing
Feel my heart waking
Oh love take me
In your boat of angels
Where Lilies White Grow (Acapella)
Additional music – Jeff Silverman
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
Will you run away with me
Through gold arching trees
Lie among the falling leaves
Oh my love
Will you rest your heart in mine
Underneath the reaching sky
‘Til all the flowers come to life
Oh my love
Follow down to a path where the light changes
In the wilds of the heart
At the end of the road
In the splendor – we’ll surrender
Where lilies white grow
Will you be my only one
For a thousand days to come
Until the moon has crossed the sun
Oh my love
Follow down to a path where the light changes
In the wilds of the heart
At the end of the road
In the splendor – we’ll surrender
Where lilies white grow
All your wonder
Draw me up there
Slowly to the light
To breathe
Follow down to a path where the light changes
In the wilds of the heart
At the end of the road
In the splendor – we’ll surrender
Where lilies white grow
Who Wears The Crown
Angleterre Music, BMI
Through the looking glass beyond the hum and beat
From behind a mask – soft the woman breathes
Mirror mirror to the mysteries we call
Show the fairest faces hidden from us all
Come the bright and the broken – into the wide open
And every step will lead you home
You’ll stand before the ancient throne
In all the glory to be found
Be the one who wears the crown
Be the one who wears the crown
Through the window stars falling at her feet
Look into the glass – beauty lies asleep
Mirror mirror will she rise before us still
With all the treasure long and buried in these hills
Come to life in a moment – in a light golden
And every step will lead you home
You’ll stand before the ancient throne
In all the glory to be found
Be the one who wears the crown
Be the one who wears the crown
When you see the life returning
Then you’ll know the heart is stirring
And you’ll feel the sea is turning
All the words were true
Across the Fields
Angleterre Music, BMI
All the trees were turning slow
Reaching out towards the river
Standing still, we felt ourselves let go
Beside the water’s edge …
And the leaves a-burning gold
All the world was fair
And a light was in your eyes
A calling on the air
The day was turning
And the wildwood fell to sleep
When you came to me …
Across the fields
Where the oak and willows cleave
Stretching hands across the water
Part of you lay with part of me
Until we were said and done
And the leaves a-burning gold
All the world was fair
And a light was in your eyes
A calling on the air
The day was turning
And the wildwood fell to dream
When you belonged to me.
Across the fields
And the leaves were burning gold
All the world was fair
You and I were there
And a light was in your eyes
Calling like a prayer
And the wind breathing life
Moved my heart and hand
Beside the water lay
The woman and the man
The day was turning
And the wildwood fell to sleep
When you came to me
Across the fields …
Light the Sky
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Songs, SESAC
She Walks With Me (Remastered)
Angleterre Music, BMI – Palette Music, BMI
Pale is the moon that hangs above me
Cool is the breeze on moss and stone
Still is the oak that stands before
The path that leads me on …
I can see her waiting
Lying in a circle on the ground
Everything is peaceful
Come to me without a sound …
She walks with me into the silent darkness
She walks with me …
Quiet is the night she has me follow
Over the hill, through wood and stream
I shall not waken ’til tomorrow
Dreamer of the dream …
I can hear her singing
Melodies the world has never heard
Everything is sacred
Come to me without a word …
She walks with me into the silent darkness
She walks with me …
Pale is the moon that hangs above me
Cool is the breeze on moss and stone …
Still is the oak that stands before
The path that leads me home …
I can feel her leaving
Will she ever comes this way again …
Everything is golden
Light until the journey ends …
She walks with me into the silent darkness
She walks with me …
Angleterre Music, BMI